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Lewes Road, Brighton, BN2 4GL
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2 Brunel Place, Slough SL1 1FQ
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Members only

Clothing Swap

Wednesday, September 18, 2024
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Lewes Road, Brighton, BN2 4GL

Come for the clothes, stay for the community, and let's make a positive impact together during Secondhand September!

Bring your pre-loved clothes and leave with new-to-you treasures—all while reducing waste and promoting conscious consumption.

No need to book, just head to the Launch Space from 10 AM.

Clothing Swap at Plus X Innovation Brighton

This event includes

Upcoming events

Charlie the yoga instructor stretching, teaching a class at Plus X Innovation Brighton
Two members interacting at a Plus X Innovation workshop in Brighton
Members talking on the rooftop at Plus X Innovation Brighton
Plus X Brighton lunchtime running club
Navy blue text saying Future Skills Sussex with a green star at the end
Members watching a film in the Launch Space, Brighton