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Lewes Road, Brighton, BN2 4GL
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2 Brunel Place, Slough SL1 1FQ
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Members only

Lunchtime Run

Thursday, January 9, 2025
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Lewes Road, Brighton, BN2 4GL

Go at your own pace and join the Plus X Innovation team and members alike, to get you moving for that endorphin boost in the beautiful nearby wildlife park.

The run will be approximately 6km.

No booking required. Meet at the front desk on Ground Floor at 12:30 PM.

Plus X Brighton members on a lunchtime run

This event includes

Upcoming events

Charlie the yoga instructor stretching, teaching a class at Plus X Innovation Brighton
Plus X Brighton members on a lunchtime run
Cult Milk running a crafting class at Plus X Innovation.
Charlie the yoga instructor stretching, teaching a class at Plus X Innovation Brighton
Carolina Rose, breathwork instructor for Plus X Innovation Brighton
Members eating lunch at a table during a Plus X Innovation event.